BELAZ-HOLDING and VibroBox tested a unique solution for automatic diagnostics and prescriptive maintenance of dump truck motor-wheels
After accurate preparation, VibroBox hardware and software solution was tested at the testing ground of BELAZ plant in Zhodino (Belarus).
The dump truck was equipped with:
- Telemetry signal transmission unit (in the cabin);
- IEPE-converter (in the dump truck frame);
- 8 accelerometers (in the rear axle motor-wheels).
Two motor-wheels of the dump truck BELAZ 75306 were equipped with 3 vibration sensors:
- One in the axial direction (inside the rear axle);
- Two in the radial direction:
- One on the engine generator housing outside the rear axle;
- One on the outside, on the flange of the motor-wheel gearbox housing to the rear axle.
Signal cables from installed sensors were laid at the maximum distance from the power circuits of the dump truck to avoid signal distortion caused by induced interference.
Two additional accelerometers were installed inside the rear axle with signal cables laid near the power circuits to assess the impact on the quality of the vibration signal.
After installation, the dump truck have been operating at the test site. The project team has recorded vibration signals in various speed modes of the dump truck on a flat surface, uphill and downhill. Demonstrated results met the expectations of participants. VibroBox got a field test confirmation of technology effectiveness.
The next step is to conduct field tests of equipped BELAZ dump trucks in mining and processing plants. In the meantime, you can watch a short video from the Zhodino training ground: